
to think…; I think…; you think…

Explanation of と思う(とおもう)[1]

最初さいしょにこの 世界せかい 時、  不安ときふあん 仕方しかたなかった。
でもいま 不安ふあん 恐怖きょうふかんじない。<div>むしろ 気持きもちがたかぶってるようにかんじるんだ。

When I first came to this world, I couldn't help but feel uneasy.<div>But now I don't feel anxious or afraid.
Instead I feel that my feelings are getting worked up.
I thought that maybe there is still darkness unsetlling inside me.
And yet now I feel as if that's not the case.</div>

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JLPT WaniKani
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